

This has been an eventful week as Sadie approaches her 5th birthday.

On Wednesday Sadie, Frederick and I took the train to the Science Museum.  Another passenger said hello to Sadie and referred to her as a “little girl.”  She promptly replied, “Actually I’m a big girl.  I’m going to be 5 next week.  And I am a lot of help at home….”  On Friday Grammy and Grampy took Sadie to see Suessical, which she enjoyed.  Saturday morning was Sadie’s “kid party”, shared with her friend, Mia, who also turned 5 this month.  The party was at Iron Rail gymnastics and included about 8 of of Sadie and Mia’s church friends.  Sadie requested a dinosaur theme, so we had dinosaur hats, plates, and napkins.  I also made a cake shaped like a dinosaur based on a pattern I found online.  Sadie was disappointed in the pattern because she “really wanted a T. Rex cake.”  In the end we had fun decorating together and agree that it turned out great:


For gifts at the kid’s party we had everyone bring a wrapped book and then leave with a different wrapped book.  I had trouble choosing our contribution so I bought two and planned to let Sadie choose.  After we read both books Friday night, I asked her what she though of them.  “I like them both.  I like them as much as I like you.  And I like you as much as I like ice cream, which I like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, etc ….!”  From a kid who doesn’t share her emotions much, being liked as much as ice cream was a huge compliment.  But how do you give away a book that your kid likes as much as you?  “Wow!’  That was just about all I could say, “Wow!”  Luckily we were able to sort it out in the morning.

Tonight we had a family birthday party for Sadie at Flatbread Co in Bedford.  ALL of Sadie’s aunts, uncles, and grandparents attended!  While I was working on the plans for Sadie’s party, she siad it would be “really special” to have it at a restraunt.  Thank you Sadie! – this allowed for less travel for everyone and saved us from doing a lot of preparations over what turned out to very a busy weekend.

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